Thursday, December 31, 2009


"Tomorrow, I shall do this."

"Maybe, I will leave it til I'm free."

How many tomorrows do we need to wait til the deadline draws nearer? How can we stop procrastinating and get to do what's important and urgent?

Well, I'm glad I had the determination to stop leaving tasks at hand til 'tomorrow'.

In SGI, we marked 2009 as the Year of Youth and Victory. On the last day of this year, I don't want to leave any regrets and disappoint myself.

Went to the studio this morning to set up for vocals and guitar dubbing, but our dearest songwriter/composer/vocalist/guitarist o.v.e.r.s.l.e.p.t. Haha, in the end, the girls spent a few hours learning what's essential for the recording, and Issac & Benchan came to discuss about our Live Sound project. We were able to complete a huge portion of paperwork today.

After last night's NPSD25 daimokukai, I thought of sending all my ywd members the SD exam study materials for the week. But when I got to the school library to photocopy the Rishho Ankoku Ron notes, realised I didn't have enough cash in me. Thankfully, the auntie let me owe her 10cents, so I was able to print for 6 members. That 10cents was so important to me at that point of time! One more life could be inspired because of that coin! :D

As we walked back to the studio, I saw some AVT juniors and managed to pass the notes to Yeeteng!! Then I went round Singapore to pass the copies to Dawn, Vivien, Serene and Rui Zhen. By dinner time, when I met Rena, Hysen, Sam, Angela and Huimin, I felt really accomplished.

Today, I worked hard!

Even though, there was a tint of regret that I didn't have enough time to catch up with everyone, but at least, I was glad I made the effort to do this.

2010, here I come!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Just fropped by SAM's blog and was really excited to read what she saw outside SP's library. Shall we kickstart smth too? *HINT!*

In September'09, I received a mail to join one of's petitions for a "WORLD TO APEC: HOPE IS NOT ENOUGH!". Since then, I start to take small actions daily to do my part for climate change. Encourage public transport/carpooling, saving energy...I wished i could have done more then.

On Sep 21st, I was not able to join the Global Climate Wake-Up call flashmob at Orchard ION, but throughout the world, over 1900 events around the world took place. Huge masses gathered together, took out their mobile phones and dialed the office numbers of respective leaders of their country. For Singapore, we were given the numbers of PM Lee and our grassroot leaders.

On FB, a fellow St.Margs alumni set up a Go Green Rally. Was surprised to know that she cares alot abt this issue and that so many of her friends are joining her in this!! :D

Here's wad SAM posted.

"On December 7, leaders from 192 countries will gather at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen to determine the fate of our planet. Let's turn Copenhagen into Hopenhagen. Hopenhagen is a movement, a moment and a chance at a new beginning. The hope that we can create a global community that will lead our leaders into making the right decisions. The hope that by solving our environmental crisis, we can solve our economic crisis at the same time. Hopenhagen is change - and that change will be powered by all of us.

Help lead the leaders by visiting today. Sign the petition. Become a citizen of Hopenhagen. Fuel the movement. More important, pass on the story of Hopenhagen to your friends and family. Encourage everyone you can to get involved and sign the petition. Because the more of us who do, the more our leaders will recognize the world is serious about change.
Let's turn Copenhagen into Hopenhagen."

Let us all do a part. Sign the petition against Climate changes! (: