As part of Bloggers Unite, I hope to play a small part by this contribution. It might not be much, but someone has to speak out. On November 11th, bloggers worldwide unite to raise awareness for 'Refugees Unite'. Preparation and advertisements have been made by pasting badges on our blogs to show the support.
Fear of discrimination and persecution, for reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular organization or personal political view, people are afraid and unwillingly to remain at a permanent state or area. These people called themselves or are termed as refugees. Many fled from their homes to seek safer land after been discriminated by their own people and there're also those whose homes have been destroyed by war and are forced to migrate.
Fortunately, there are many organizations out there helping to resettle these stateless people or locate loved ones whom have been separated due to similar conditions.
Just yesterday, a guy friend voiced out his thoughts at breakfast, "We should have a war. This world is too peaceful." And as usual, we got into a heated debate, one refusing to give in to another. He had made some good points, related to religion and I don't disagree, yet I was upset by his call for anything worse than the world we are living in.
Yes, he might be happy and at peace with himself, his environment, but not everyone in the world feels that way. Ignorance, even in the smallest sense can cause a whole load of harm. We should never take any minor problem lightly and should always be on alert mode. Let's look at something closer to home. A few years ago, when a number of people fell ill after returning from nearby countries, people were not concerned, yet look at the shock and frenzy among Singaporeans when SARS became an issue.
(*1) When Russia was going through dramatic changes, many succumbed to easy temptations of hatred and destruction. Raisa Gorbachev, the late wife of former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev was often pained by such issues. She said, "Is destruction necessary for progress? That goes against common sense. I'm convinced that only that which is constructive can make people happy."
My point being, is there really a need for discrimination and prejudice? If only everyone are able to voice out their opinions. If only everyone could be a little bit, just a little bit more compassionate towards every single living being on Earth. If only people were more courageous, more impartial and magnanimous. Without judgement in others, regardless of their backgrounds, their thoughts, their skin colour and faith, aren't we all in the first place, children of our parents? What right do we have to force others to separation with their loved ones and homeland?
This ongoing issue of those torn from their homes is something that should, and must, concern us all. Why discriminate others when you don't wish for the same to be done to you? Let's search for a common solution and bring hope and dignity to the millions suffering.
If you happen to know someone who needs help to resettle, or someone looking for a loved-one-turned-refugee, do contact REFUGEE UNITE on the first url of the citations below. Thanks a million!
For those who are curious to know more about the song playing on this blog, it's sung by H.I.M recording artistes for the children of the world, especially those affected by the recent Si Chuang earthquake. Below is the translation of the song.
AUTHOR's NOTE: "I found one line hard to understand. The part where we bring roads to the brave, ocean to the ships and return children to their dreams. But i realized, sometimes, when people are incapable of helping themselves, we could help lead them back to the right route in life."
Title:A More Wonderful World
There must be some way, to let people love one another
We didn't come to this world to cause harm to each other
Bring sounds of laughter to the cries of sobbing, Bring warm hugs to those in doubt
Shine light into the world of darkness, bring sweetness to bitterness, and give care to fears
Warm every single heart, melt those that are cold
We can give everybody a warmth and more wonderful world to live in
There must be someway for us to anticipate tomorrow
Since we can't force the sun to rise, why not help at least one flower to bloom
Give sight to the hopeless, give flight to those with wings
Bring roads to bravery, the ocean to the ships, and children, their hopes and dreams
Things unchanged, can be changed just by the aid of a pair of hands
Next time, we'll meet in a more joyous, more wonderful world
Love can make the world a better place, it can reduce hatred and pain
Next time, we'll meet in a more peaceful, more wonderful world
(*1) Adapted from Foundation for Victory 100 years ahead - Guidelines for Humanistic Leadership.
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