a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, sherry.darling aka. xiao-yuan aka. the-anorexic-looking babe..


REALLY SORRY I CANT BE BY YOUR SIDE THIS YEAR BUT PLEASE KNOW IM SINCERELY WISHING FOR YOUR HAPPINESS AND FABULOUS CELEBRATION!! but im glad you received the mailed letter..i was worried the Postman would think its too kiddish and reject the mail. phew..
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend all these years and i just wanna let you know i deeply cherish this friendship. I still remember the first time we reunite the first time we went to SMSS to get our secondary one books and our mothers were chatting away about the books we get...haha, it was a funny memory.
Then, there were the 9 of us girls.. Siti, Casey, Lynette, Louisa, Yana, Gaya, Mari, You and me...
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend all these years and i just wanna let you know i deeply cherish this friendship. I still remember the first time we reunite the first time we went to SMSS to get our secondary one books and our mothers were chatting away about the books we get...haha, it was a funny memory.
Then, there were the 9 of us girls.. Siti, Casey, Lynette, Louisa, Yana, Gaya, Mari, You and me...
There were really fun times where we crazed over neoprints and crushes, like your neighbourhood guy (was his name tommy? haha) and DOLPHIN.. and i highly doubt any of us will ever forget the unhappy moments when the clique broke up pretty badly..

Another reason why i especially treasure this relationship is also because of what happened in Sec 3. Remb how we sat outside the classroom, and everytime someone told you to "Cheer up, dont cry..." you end up crying even harder? haha. I guess we were very very fortunate to retain and join a class where the girls were ever so encouraging and welcoming to the few new 'additions' among them. We found new and (til now and hopefully forever) lasting peers..
I had initially wanted to find a poem you wrote for me a few years ago, entitled "A Friend" but i have no idea where i placed that. [Will scan it when i find it.] Meanwhile, the search for that particular poem ended up with plenty of love letters from you and the girls from past years... I went to read every single one of them and.. almost cried.
You have really been encouraging. When i remb the times you wrote those for me, (on birthday cards, notes during lessons) all the strength and courage i felt on those occasions overwhelmed me again. You might not believe it, but because of those words written with concern and sincerity, i too, wanna make an extra effort for you all, for all my friendships, because i know, i will regret if i lose them. Any of them.
Confession : Something i usually reflect on, after every gathering or even discussed with siti and faiz before was... "I wish I knew Sheereen better."
I know i talk alot. We all do. haha, so i am often thinking, "have i said too much? too much to the point i neglect whatever you wanna say?"
If yes, please let me know. haha.
If no, then...feel free to tell us stuff. anything at all. I get so happy hearing you talk abt your childhood birthday celebrations, dates with your mum, stuff about your bf and even school problems.
im sorry for asking for so much...i guess it's the greed to know more..
still, i wanna thank you for everything you have done for me til now..including accepting my flaws and nonsense.. love you for that. haha.

hmm, am i starting to crap and bore you?
anyway...Hope Marcus&gang and your family will give you a most memorable birthday and may you be blessed with tons of happy memories and a successful year ahead!!
[the girls and i will make it up to you! I promise!!]
p/s: shit...there are bugs everywhere.. and im starting to get mozzie-itch.
last, not def. not least...here's a TOAST to our ever-lasting friendship and may good health, safety and happiness be upon us all!!
anyway...Hope Marcus&gang and your family will give you a most memorable birthday and may you be blessed with tons of happy memories and a successful year ahead!!
[the girls and i will make it up to you! I promise!!]
p/s: shit...there are bugs everywhere.. and im starting to get mozzie-itch.
last, not def. not least...here's a TOAST to our ever-lasting friendship and may good health, safety and happiness be upon us all!!
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