School has ended...weeks ago. :/
"Am I the only one slacking? :/ :/"
That was probably one big question mark in my mind every single day since the semester ended. Even if i act dumb, my mum would voice it out religiously every evening.
I'm glad a few friends of mine shook me out of dreamland. Time to face the world. Even though they needn't say much, or might not even have the intention to, their actions constantly sent me to another level of guilt.
What am I doing?
Everyone else's either sending out university applications, looking out for scholarship interviews or finding work...any work.
Finally decide this wouldn't do. No matter how far-fetched my dreams seemed to be now, if I do not even take a single step towards reality, nothing can be realized.
I found myself a job today!! :) And I really look forward to it~
Plucked up my courage to call Pang, boss of a production company and he offered to fetched me from wherever I was, and drove me to his office! Nice man. Not much paperwork to do and I'm just getting a basic salary, but this is one big actual proof - chanted really sincerely for a breakthough!
Never thought the interview to be this easy. I got the job almost right away and we spent the entire car journey discussing what I could possibly learn and contribute to the company. Can't wait to start~
Of course, we both anticipate possible working temperaments. I guess its unavoidable, so I look forward to a rewarding and strict training. First call starts Friday!! - Mayday concert. Hope I can pick up the skills asap... >.<
NPSD's orientation and graduation's coming!!
OMG!! Really excited!! Though I'm graduating, I can't wait to see the result of all the efforts of everyone else!! :D
May's coming in a few weeks.. really hope I can brush up my dancesteps soon. Don't wanna pull the team down. We are lighting our props in May! :S
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