If there's one word to describe my January and February, it would be 'LOFT'.
I will never forget the days and nights spent over at the cosy 4-room apartment with my dearest classmates.
It had been fun and almost blissful. It had been tough to live together too. In the class DVD, i din have the luxury to write everything down. So, a warning in advance. The following is a long entry.
(It differs from person to person. Plus, i'm not exactly a full-time loft patron.)
the hour-long queues for the bathroom (read: May Mon & Junqi, hogging both toilets)
unwashed cups, multiple-time-reused 'disposables' and the few drops of diluted detergent.
the regular stench of instant korean ramen and >.< 男人味!! (ohh..how much i had to scrub my clothes to get the smell out of my clothes before dumping into the washing machine.)
countless empty bottles of POKKA white chrysanthemum and ice lemon tea are displayed at the bar table daily. and yea la, we too have some other 'restricted drinks' at times.
i'm sure everyone has seen camwhoring sessions and video clips of our famous green canvas and the favourite photoshoot prop, our rattan basket.

Spacious to the max, all we need is just to pull our our sofa beds and mattresses, it could fit almost the entire class to sleep over.
Indian-Asian HALAL Cuisine. Almost a nightly affair for many to dine here. Situated opposite Beauty World. Affordable and good. Believe me. :)
AVT's second home. First's the LOFT. (we were REALLY hardly at our own homes.)
Equipped with industry-standard audio recording & effect processors, plus stuff that can't even be found in the local audio scene! Though I personally still can't fully appreciate everything there, we spent days and nights perfecting our audio mix and music video.
On such rare periods, you will see us gathered at almost every room of each apartment unit mugging. (NOTE: we had 3 units=12rooms to ourselves.) And at times when we are on the brink of madness, people would be prank-ringing each other's doorbells, ordering McD at wee hours and singing pokemon theme songs for entertainment.
Last but not least. Of course, we are tightly woven in this social fabric where human dramas take place every single moment. We disagreed, argued, fought, and then make up again. Seen each other's ugly side of life. Tolerated with one another's nonsense and weird habits.
At a point of time, i almost thought a few friendships were almost un-amendable. Thankfully, we have been thru that and now, we see ourselves clearer and bond better as one class. Thanks for all the love and hate these months, ppl. I know in many many ways, I lack a lot. Thanks for accepting me and letting me into your world. haha.
Amirr. Wani. Siti. May. Rochelle. Wilson. Chu Lee. Jun Wei.
Yi Jie. Christine. Justin. Ying Ting. Kenneth. Ben Chan. Norman. Jun Qi.
Yi Jie. Christine. Justin. Ying Ting. Kenneth. Ben Chan. Norman. Jun Qi.
Yea la.. i may be the old auntie. But thanks for going thru some of my most embarrassing moments and bearing with the nagging. <3
My sister was telling me how much she miss my smiles. I missed it too and more than anyone else, I'm acutely aware of how little I have been smiling. It's to the extent sometimes I find myself typing apology SMSes when I fake my enthusiasm to my friends. How ugly.
Give me some time. I will be back.